In today’s marketplace with thousands of products and services being rapidly commoditised, a brand name helps to stand out and establish a clear identity in the market. The brand name in itself signifies the existence of a powerful “narrative” link to the brand.

“You must carefully define your attitude, your particular sense of style and fashion, and what sets you apart from the other labels” says Jay Jurisich, Creative Director, Igor, a branding consultancy firm based in San Francisco.

Fashion labels mostly use the designer’s name as the brand name. This helps in creating an association with the quality and uniqueness of the apparels. The value added on the name is to create a hook in order to connect the consumers with the unique identity of the designer in terms of quality and exclusivity. This would help to increase the longevity of the relationship like Giorgio Armani, GUCCI, Prada, etc.

Define your audience archetype

The brand name may be created keeping the consumers in mind. A well researched name helps to associate with a large number of consumers. With a clearly defined name, it is easy to formulate ways on how to market your brand. Age, location, gender, income level, education level, family status, occupation and background are important points of consideration for creating a brand name. Below image suggests on the customer archetypes.

Establish behavioural and emotional connect

Human actions are guided by emotions. Therefore, it is always better to create a name that arouses consumer’s perception so that the target consumers could be able to associate their personal feelings with the brand name.

It is very hard to neglect the emotional effect. A strong name acts as the prompting mechanism to encourage a sceptical generation and a perceptive nation to give any product a try.

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